The Fullbright experience.

His name is Amine Mohamed Bounoughaz and he’s a Fulbright alumnus who recently completed a Master of Engineering Management at Duke University in North Carolina., He applied to the Fulbright program in 2012 and was fortunate enough to chase his dreams at one of the best educational institutions in the world .

He also got a perfect GPA, an award as the Shining Star of the program and being chosen to deliver the graduation speech on behalf of his batch.

We the Algerian Youth voices team can not be enough proud of this great achievement .

here are some useful links made by Amine Bounoughaz in order to help you in the Fullbright process :

Reported by Mourad Yazli and distributed by Selma Mouloudj

AYV Algiers

Follow your dream .


”Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. ”– George S. Patton . It is a fact that great challenges make the great people and the great people have always started small . For those of you who have experienced some hard moments along the road and run toward their dreams. This is a story of one inspired girl ”Zizo” who sacrificed all her life to live and took the sport as a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving her greatest dreams.

Ibrahim’s Story .


Steve jobs once said “ Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition . they somehow know what you truly want to become ” . Very interesting but Easier said than done!! What if you are chasing a dream and working on it so hard that it turns to be a source frustration? What if you keep trying over and over but you discover that your dream is still FAR away? Should you despair and give it up ? Or you should just keep trying? If this is your case , then this story is exactly what you should be listening to because it will reformulate your perception of success. enjoy 😉